

China signage

Just a little break from the "main" China blogging to show some of our favorite signs we saw. It is very hard to make a direct translation of English from Chinese as Chinese is more about ideas while English is very literal. This often results in really funny signs affectionately called "Chinglish."
Not really Chinglish, just funny. Sadly the bathroom was
closed so we didn't get a chance to see what a 4 star toilet
looked like.

I just liked this :)

Again not really Chinglish.... but it's funny when you know that
this sign was inside the shower in our hotel room in Harbin

Ahh, here we go... Sports Bar anyone?

So.... the children are the ones taking the pictures??

On the Great Wall.....

Finally.... Jon took this one in a bathroom, good advice I guess!

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

i love the "bar for team"!!