

daddy's little helper

Wade did this for a really long time, then he got tired and resorted to dragging his mower along while sucking his thumb, but he kept at it and mowed with Jon for at least an hour or more! 


Rebekah said...

ahhh - too cute!! :) can't wait to see y'all soon & i can give this little guy a big hug!

(glad the lawnmower's still working for Jon!)

Anonymous said...

Dear special these pictures are for me to see! I have a picture of your Daddy mowing our yard with your Papa Wylie. What wonderful memories and now I have some new lawn mowing memories! Not just lawn mowing memories of you mowing but now memories of your Daddy mowing the yard! I look forward to seeing you soon and maybe you can show me how you mow. I love you.......Granna