

Lydda Grace-isms

There are so many funny things LG is saying these days! I wish I could remember them all. Here are a few:

- When singing the song "G-O-D is L-O-V-E" she insists that the kids on the CD say a "B" for the "D" and the "V." So the result is Gob is Lobe..... even though we try to explain that the way you spell these words is a with a "D" and "V" she is VERY insistent that they are "Bs"

- Today we were outside swinging and I was laughing at something she said and she started doing this really fake laugh that made me laugh harder. I said, "Lydda Grace, you crack me up!" after a little pause she said, "You said "crack" mama..... you're not an egg!!"

- If we ask, "How's that chocolate pudding, Lydda Grace?" (or any other question of that sort) she always answers "doing well!" We also get this response when we ask, "How'd you sleep last night?"

Of course that's all I can think of right now! I will try to be more intentional about posting random things like this that I want to remember more often.

1 comment:

Kami said...

That is so funny and cute!!