

in the kitchen

Lydda Grace woke up early from her nap yesterday afternoon just as I was in the middle of making several batches of baby food. I brought her into the kitchen and let her play with some kitchen gadgets while I finished up. She was so content to sit and play. She especially loved the potato masher, I think her eyes doubled in size when I brought it out, she was in awe!


saying goodbye to Finn

Just wanted to let everyone know that as of this weekend Finn will no longer be living with us. He's moving to live with Granna Wylie and Belle and Killer (his kitty friends). We are so sad that he is leaving but given several different circumstances it's the best option for our family at this stage of life.

Jon and I got Finn in January of 2006. He was 4 months old having been born just 5 days before we were married. As you can see from early posts (pre-Lydda Grace) on this blog, he is an extremely photogenic cat and has had lots of adventures!

I'm going to try to get some pictures of him and Lydda Grace in the next few days.

a girl could get in trouble

Wearing this around here....
Good thing Daddy is on her side :o)


warm weather

Praise the Lord for beautiful weather!!

Gran came for a visit and we had a great time with her! She kept Lydda Grace Thursday morning while I ran errands and then we went out for lunch and to the park with Lydda Grace. I am so excited to have discovered this beautiful park as I know we'll enjoy it over the years.
Lydda Grace doesn't know what to think about bubbles. She didn't crack a smile!

Outside the park.

Rockin' the shades! Gran brought Lydda Grace these sunglasses! She keeps them on surprisingly well. I laugh everytime I see them on her, it's impossible not to!

After a long day (and a refusal to nap on Lydda Grace's part) she finally quiets down to read.

This picture was taken today. It's hard to see from the picture but LG was a mess! She won't eat chicken well of the spoon, but if I mush it into little balls she will pick it up and eat it. Hands, hair, face, dress... chicken everywhere.


a picture I forgot

This was Easter morning but I forgot to post it! I love how they are all looking at the camera and smiling!


mountain weekend

We were blessed by a friend of Granna Wylie's who lent us her family's mountain home for a long weekend. We had such a nice time taking walks, watching the birds, and just hanging out at the house. Here are some pictures from our time there.

Playtime with Dada
Lydda Grace loved this stuffed bear!

This is a book about tracking animals in the Great Smoky Mtn. National Park
Dada, Lydda Grace and Mama
Granna and Lydda Grace

This is where we stayed, beautiful home.

This animal came walking down the driveway... bobcat? That was our guess...

more Easter pictures


Easter photos

We took pictures of Lydda Grace on Saturday over at the Calhoun House. I'll post pictures of our Easter day today when I get some photos from friends.


hooray for a sunny day

I'm talking about yesterday of course... today is gray and rainy and windy... we're supposed to get hail. We're thankful for the memory of a gorgeous yesterday and the hope of a beautiful weekend!

We were sitting out in middle of campus playing on a blanket. Because it's spring break for so many high schools I think I counted seven tour groups that passed us as we were out. I wondered if those parents felt like their babies were Lydda Grace's age just days ago. I know it will go too fast.
Savoring every moment.


waving and clapping

After dinner we practiced waving and clapping. She has just picked this up in the last day or so. It's so funny to watch her little mind process and get excited about something so simple. Of course Mama and Dada get pretty excited over the simple stuff too :o)


my new favorite picture

more weekend pictures

Lydda Grace is helping us get ready for the party... here she is holding down the salad bowl.

First boat ride!! She didn't seem to love it or hate it... just real serious the whole time.


puppy love

When we were in Chapin this weekend Lydda Grace got to meet Zach, my family's dog, up close and personal. She LOVED him! (and don't worry... I cleaned her off really well after this encounter!)

8 months

It is so hard to believe that our baby girl is 8 months old. She is such a joy!

We were in Chapin this past weekend for my mom's birthday (my sisters and I threw a dinner party for her which was a lot of fun!!). We got Lydda Grace all dolled up to meet all the guests and then she went to bed and slept through the whole thing! I'll post some more pictures of that event when I get them from my parent's camera.

In the meantime....

We took these pictures Sunday morning before church at the Lindler's home (next door). They had some beautiful azealas! My mom made this dress for our friend Emily Gaddis who was the flower girl in our wedding. Evelyn, Emily's mom thought Lydda Grace might enjoy wearing it too.

The set-up.
What a pretty girl!

And she rolls.... she always flips to her tummy these days.

And here's a sneak peek of Lydda Grace's Easter dress. This is the first dress I have ever smocked. My mom put it together, but I smocked and did the hem. I finished it last night and couldn't wait to put it on Lydda Grace this morning!


crawling... not yet

Jon is determined to get Lydda Grace to crawl. I'm perfectly content with her just sitting and playing. I know it's going to be a lot harder for me to keep up with her once she starts to crawl!

meeting baby Grayson

Jon had work in ATL this past Saturday so Lydda Grace and I rode down with him, dropped him off and went to see Mollie and Chad and Grayson (2 weeks old!!). It was great to catch up and meet their precious little boy. Thanks for letting us visit Hayes family!

I can't get over how big Lydda Grace is! Just 8 months ago she was Grayson's size!

Puffs: Two Short Documentaries

Starring Lydda Grace Wylie
Featuring Gerber's Sweet Potatoes Puffs
Produced by Emily (aka Mama)

Look for our feature film due out next month.

For the record, when I stopped filming she actually got one in her mouth!

I'm contemplating submitting the first one to America's Funniest Home Videos... is that show still around? And is the video really that funny or is it that funny to me just because she's my child?