Well I started this journal and was planning to keep one for every child.... but that is not going to happen so I am backlogging all Lydda Grace's journal entries as blog posts and everything will just go on the blog from now on!!
You are 5 and 1/2 weeks old! I should have started this weeks ago b/c you do adorable things every day! I'm not promising to write in here daily, or even weekly- but I just want to always remember the precious things you do (and someday say!)
Daddy and I were so excited the day you were born! I will never forget Dr. Rhodes holding you in the air (in one hand) and us both saying, "It's a girl!!" We were thrilled!
We brought you home from the hospital on Saturday. I don't even remember what happened but I looked at Dadd and said, "I don't know what to do?!" and he said, "we don't have a choice, we have to know what to do!" We both just laughed. I fully admit that we are not always going to know what to do- just know we're doing our best.
The Friday after we brought you home Daddy had a presentation to give to the RAs about freshmen. When he got home he told me that he had told them about when he was a freshman and had not called his parents even once his first year. When he told me that he started to cry and he looked at you laying in my arms and said, "I hope Lydda Grace calls us every day!!" We both sat there and cried and kissed you and kissed each other and kissed you again. I can't even imagine you being a year old, much less going to college someday!
I tried to read a book to you the other day, Just in Case You Ever Wonder, by Max Lucado. I can't get through it without crying though. So after I cried my way through it I held you on my knees and apologized for being such a crazy mama! You smiled at me, I think you knew what I was saying.
Your daddy's favorite thing (or one of them) to do with you is to put your "Biffle" onesie on you and lay you on his chest to watch NASCAR. That's fine with me as long as you never drive one.