

Baby #2 update

Praise the Lord!

We had two great doctor appointments in Greenville today! Our first was an ultrasound follow-up which showed that the baby's kidney has significantly reduced in size since our last ultrasound six weeks ago! The second appointment was with a pediatric nephrologist who talked with us about the game plan for after the baby is born. It's really simple. The baby will have a renal ultrasound within it's first week. Depending on those results we may have to follow up with a VCUG. Either we will be able to just let things run their normal course or the baby may have to go on antibiotics.... that's it! The doctor made no mention of surgery as a possibility and he thinks that there is a great chance that this can clear up on it's own before birth!

This is all some of the best possible news we could get!!

And here's a picture of our precious new addition! We still don't know the baby's gender.... with all these ultrasounds we've been having it's been hard to not give in, but we're holding out for the surprise. Either way we think this baby looks a lot like his or her big sister!


Kami said...

Praise the Lord for the great update!

Silas says its gonna be a boy!

Joseph says boy, too!

We love you guys!

Bill & Stacie said...

Glad you got good news. Stay strong about not finding out the sex of the baby. We found out with our second and it took all the fun out of it.

Chad and Mollie Hayes said...

That is an amazing picture!! So precious! I'm so happy to hear the good report!

Anonymous said...

That's GREAT news Emily!!!! I'm so happy! And I can't believe how strong you and John are..holding out even with a 4d ultrasound! :) Hahah! That baby sure is cute already though! So excited for such a great report! God is GOOD!!

love, Amy

Anonymous said...

WONDERFUL!!! I am so happy to hear that things are much better. Love the pic. Take care.
<3 Amber