

Christmas parade and other stuff

The town had a Christmas parade downtown the other night so we took Lydda Grace. She seemed to get more excited about the little kids in the parade than the flashy floats or lights. Next year I think she'll really get into it!

I was vaccuuming the other day and realized Lydda Grace had wandered off. I found her here. She was in the basket and had taken an old journal of mine and was "reading" it. She stayed there FOREVER! I got a lot done while she stayed there, and when she was done she climbed out and came back to the den!

In finger news, Lydda Grace's nail came off today! I don't know if it was supposed to or not but it was sort of just hanging on so her pediatrician was gracious enough to let us come in last minute on a Friday and he took the rest of it off and clipped the remaining sutures. The new nail looks like it's coming in well.

That's about all for now.

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