

6th Anniversary (2090 days)!

Dear Lydda Grace and Wade along with any other children that our Father might bless us with:

On this, 2090 days of being married to your mother, Emily Moore Wylie, I want to challenge you to remember a couple of things about LOVE.  Our heavenly Father has given yall an awesome example of love through your mother.

1.      First and foremost, Love is a choice. Love is not based on feelings or circumstances.  Miss Mama does not love you because you have beautiful eyes, or beautiful hair, or you have obeyed her.  She loves you period.
2.      Remember her smile.
3.      Last but not least and should probably be first.  God first loved her and now she is spreading that love towards yall.

Emily, for the last six years + 287 days (this is how many days we were engaged) you have shown me how much you love me in the small ways. 

To my Beloved Bride: “I want you to know that today I love you period!”

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