

my sweet guys

Our church had their 25th anniversary celebration this past Sunday and Carson was taking pictures at the event and captured this one of Jon and Wade. I love the picture in general but am actually really excited to have one of Wade sucking his thumb! He has his thumb in his mouth all the time but I can't seem to get a good picture of it. I'm trying to not even think how hard it is going to be to break him of that habit.... right now it's just so cute!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jon was so cute sucking his thumb too. I was really concerned on how to break him of it but I knew that he would not go to college sucking his thumb! And I was right. He got a horrible cut on his thumb playing in the yard. The cut was just deep enough that it hurt to suck his thumb. By the time that his thumb healed there was no more thumb sucking! Wade you remind me so much of your dad doing this. And I know that you will break the habit before heading to college too! I love you both.......Granna Wylie