

Trustworthy Leadership Matrix

The questions I would like to address this week are: functions of leadership, facets of trust, constituents of school. I wonder how these three elements interact to impact change in schools. How could you design a study using these three components?

I would argue change would start when the constituents of the institution realize they can impact the environment around them through the facets of trust as well as functions of leadership. As I talked with Dr. Knoeppel today, I continue to realize I have no clue what I am doing when it comes to design. So I love this question because the answer I am about to give could be totally wrong.

For the environment I am in I would want to know how Benevolence, honesty, Openness, realiability, and competence are related to the visioning, modeling, coaching, managing, and mediating by all the consitutents. As you can see this study would probably takes years and years.

So I would want to know how administrators impact change through vision and modeling and measuring whether benevolence, honesty, and competence play a factor in this change. I would ask questions to students, parents, and administrators to gain insight into these trust facets to see how they impact the change on a campus.

I would argue the more of the trust factors one utilizes in all areas of leadership with all 5 constituents will lead to an environment where change is perceived as positive and beneficial to the community and university. Who ever is responsible at the top for the leadership will have the most impact to set the tone for the university.

Now I know I answered these questions backwards but I hope this gives you insight into how I would use the Trustworthy Leadership matrix.


pigtails and kitty cats

Gran made this dress for Lydda Grace for the fall. She'll wear a turtleneck under it when it's cooler. I love the flowers on her!

And... drumroll please.... we have PIGTAILS! I have been regularly trying to put these in Lydda Grace's hair and finally succeeded!! Jon didn't like them he thought they made her look too old. And they certainly weren't stable. We'll try again in a few months :)
Today one of Jon's coworkers was adopting some kitty cats and the lady she got them from brought them to the office. So Lydda Grace went over to meet them. Decide for yourself, what does Lydda Grace like more, the cord to the mini blinds or the kitties??!


apron, coloring, lotion and a nametag

Lydda Grace loves to dig everything out of the dishtowel and apron drawer so I decided to put an apron on her... I think she looks so old standing there like that!

Lydda Grace is really picking up with the coloring!

Today I realized that she was holding the saline drop bottle (yes she has a cold now) and touching the top of it with her other hand then rubbing her arm... it's like she's pretending to put on lotion or something!

Lastly, Aunt Bekah stopped by after the Career Fair yesterday and let Lydda Grace play with her sticker nametag. It was SO funny to watch her trying to get it off her hand!


Four years ago today


I love you!


Conceptualizing Leadership

NOTE: for those of you in my class I will label each one of my post under the category EDL 900 to make access to reading our family blog a little easier for you.

So this is my start at blogging about what I think of leadership and how it fits into my research agenda. We had several questions proposed to answer. Here are the one's I have chosen.

Does this give you a hint of how to conceptualize the leader and the impact of the leader?How could you use that knowledge to start thinking about a research question?

After the readings from this past week I have really been pondering the concepts of incorporating both humility and unwavering resolve in to this idea of leadership. It is hard to put into words the definition of leadership. I do believe leadership is not about the "great man" theory which in short states the leader is always right and should make all the decisions and everyone they work with is underneath them. In the chat we had in AET zone the one thing I said all the articles had in common was change. I now take that answer back because upon further reflection I realize the underlying theme to all the articles is leadership is based around created relationships. The success or failure of a leader depends upon the relationships one creates with those people the leader works with. Another concept I found important to be a part of leadership is the idea of being an example or "modeling the way". Taking this concept one step further I would argue implies sometimes a leader has to be a follower. And in this follower roles is being a paragon of a relational leader.

Two other concepts I believe to be important is empowering with those you work with and encouraging the heart of those you work with. See how this all fits into relationships. I believe both of these concepts provide the leader with the opportunity to develop trust and respect. These to characteristics being the foundation of a healthy relationship. As you can see the word relationship continues to arise in my discussion of leadership. This leads my reflection back to the beginning of my post. The "great man theory" or being a lion is not all leadership is about. To quote Jerome Murphy: "To be a lion, one must first be a lamb" (pg. 58).

So now to the discussion about my research topic. I am working with the concepts of living learning programs specially looking at Resident Assistants and Program Assistants. I am interested in seeing how these two positions provide leadership to the student involved in living learning programs. Right now I am struggling with the design part of this project. I am not sure if I want to look at qualities of the people in these positions or to find out from the residents living in these communities if they are more engaged and successful because of the interactions they have with these two positions. At this point, I am not sure where else to go with this. But check back in a couple of weeks because I have lined up several meetings with professors to continue to discuss this idea and figure out a way of how to measure these aspects in the LLCs.

Anyone feel free to give me feedback through the comments. Any help is much appreciated.

three videos-- one day

All these videos were taken on the same day.

Lydda Grace has really gotten into feeding us from her high chair and she has too much fun with it.

And here she is on the slide at the park. There were several really great slides before this one.. but of course once the camera comes out.... oh well!

And lastly... the vacuum cleaner. There are a few times you might think she's scared but I promise you... it's pure joy. This child loves the vacuum cleaner. It takes me twice as long to vacuum because I spend so much time dodging her, but she has so much fun I hate to put her in the crib to do it. (sorry for the poor filming, it's hard to vacuum and video at the same time!)


Nick and Mandy's wedding

Well the title of this post is misleading because I have no pictures from the wedding or reception! However, the wedding was beautiful, weather was perfect and I'm sure some pictures will follow.

I do however have some pics of the bridesmaids lunch, rehearsal and rehearsal dinner.

All the ladies at the bridesmaid's luncheon.

Nick and Mandy with Aunt Judy, the wedding director.

Jon with Austin, Mandy's nephew and the ring bearer (the orange cone is marking where the arch went the next day at the wedding).

And no post is complete without a photo of Lydda Grace! Here she is on Daddy's shoulders at the rehearsal dinner.



Lydda Grace does a great job playing the xylophone... great in that she will sit and play for at least 5-8 minutes at a time.

I'm not sure if she's still trying to figure out if she's left-handed or right-handed or if switching the mallet between hands is just a complex skill of professional xylophonists like herself :o)

And don't forget to do a taste test next time you play the xylophone... the flavor of the mallet is crucial to a great performance.


with a spoon

Lydda Grace has been practicing eating with a spoon.
Here she is eating some good ole southern cheese grits.

Our girl is growing up!

this week

Monday we met Amy, Noah and Zoey at Chick-fil-a for time on the playground and lunch. Lydda Grace got around a lot better this time than when Jon and I took her at breakfast. She wasn't even phased when lots of kids were running around.

This was taken today when we went outside to ride the tricycle. We actually put a sweater on her later b/c it's pretty chilly out today!
Here's some video of the same thing. She was very distracted from riding by all the students walking around and she kept stopping to wave at them (this happens at the end).

it's back!

Yay! We have our camera back!

Below are a few snapshots from our weekend at my parents' place.

Here is Lydda Grace enjoying the neighbors' pool.

This turtle crawled up on the dock. We had fun watching it.
Lydda Grace loves this water fountain my parents have on their patio! She gets soaking wet playing in it, but it's worth it.
Jason and Lynn Courter joined us on Saturday for the rest of the weekend and we had so much fun we didn't even pause to take pictures!